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5 Scary Campfire Stories to Creep Out Your Fellow Campers

Being that we are still in the month of October and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I thought I would keep digging around the internet for some creepy stories. Last week I shared a few scary fishing stories with you. This week I found a few haunting tales for around the campfire. So get the fire going, bring the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate, and sit back in your camp chairs and be prepared to be spooked!

The Wolf Girl of Devil's River

The Wolf Girl of Devil's River is a Texas scary campfire story that dates back to the 1800s. The story of The Wolf Girl is centered around Espantosa Lake, which is a known haunted location in TX, often avoided by locals who fear the ghostly fog that covers the lake each night. In 1845, a young boy reported seeing an unclothed girl devouring a goat alongside a pack of wolves. The girl was later captured by cowboys who captured her and locked her up in jail. She escaped in the middle of the night, and the wolf girl has never been found. Read the entire story here.

The Creak

There’s a twist, the Creak is less of a scary campfire story and more of a creepy poem. It’s also pretty easy to remember! For those storytellers who have flair for the dramatic, one thing you can do at the end is a big jump-stomp to scare everyone (kids will love it). The poem is all about simple sounds, and all the scary things they could be, perfect for entertaining your friends and family. Check it out here.

The Red Spot

Based on an urban legend, this scary campfire story appears in the infamous Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz. This story is short and sweet but written to make your skin crawl (spoiler alert :) The Red Spot is about a young girl who wakes up to find a spider bite on her cheek. I’ll let you guess what happens next.). Read the story here if you dare!

An Open Wi-Fi Connection

Not every creepy tale has to be from the century’s ago. This Reddit-born story puts a modern twist on the classic scary campfire stories we know so well (you’ll see when you read it). An Open Wi-Fi Connection tells the story of a group of friends camping in the woods who, to their surprise, connect to an open Wi-Fi network. Seems innocent enough at first, but this “supposedly“ true story takes a creepy turn. Read the entire creepy tale here.

The Lucienne Twins

Another Reddit creeptastic contribution, The Lucienne Twins is a tale retold after 10 years time. A first-year kindergarten teacher has a set of twins in her class but after one twin dies in a tragic accident, the other finds a mysterious connection to the afterlife. Read the whole story here.